MasterPeace India – Bengal & Culture Monks are working towards initiating dialogues, building partnerships and creating perspective, in order to maintain equilibrium in the society and strengthen the pillars of democracy.

The environmental problems has made life pretty much unlivable and is having a very damaging impact of health and the economy and hence we are trying to do something about this issue.

Globalization has made it imperative for citizens to be aware of the various issues pertaining to citizenship, policy, world events and react in their best interests, which will have an impact on the  quality of the future policies and pathways thus also to allow them to reap  benefits and avoid the pitfalls in a world which is increasingly becoming more unequal.

We are experimenting to emerge with solutions through a process involving inter disciplinary art practices and working with a very large network of social organizations at the grassroots levels to find effective ways to solve problems and build global citizenship, facilitate equity and work towards environmental sustainability.

Towards Peace & Social Justice

Global Citizenship through access to contemporary culture, dialogue and social entrepreneurship.

Environmental Sustainability

Responses to the problem of environmental sustainability

Democracy in progress

Art interventions for a liberal democracy

About MasterPeace

“I believe in MasterPeace. World leaders cannot push back armed conflict alone. We need the whole world to make this happen.” Desmond Tutu.

MasterPeace is an award-winning global grassroots non-profit and non-governmental peace movement, currently existing in more than 40 countries around the world.

MasterPeace organizes global and local events, innovative campaigning, events, leadership trainings & capacity building events, to encourage the active involvements of youth from around the world in topics of social change, peacebuilding and community cohesion, aligning up efforts to help contribute to the sustainable development goals.

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